Career Center Services To Help You Find Your New Career Path

Looking for a new job can seem like a daunting task, whether you are starting out in a new career field after college or making the switch later on in your life. The help you can get to prepare you for a career change can come in the form of assistance at a local career center. Here are some services and help that your local adult career center can provide to you to help you find the right career path.

Complete a Career Evaluation

If you have not chosen a career field yet, a career center can help you narrow down your options to find one that is a good fit for you. Career counselors at your local career center can discuss with you some of your interests and your field of study or interest, and also look at your past professional experience to help you make a selection. 

Once you know the field you want to get a job in, you can start searching out for open positions or attend a hiring fair. Ask your career center counselor about any upcoming hiring fairs, as representatives from different companies will come to search out new employees to fill their positions. This is a great opportunity to network and get a contact at several local or national companies to help you find your career.

Work on Interview Skills

Once you have found a job opening in an area that you are interested in and have secured an interview, you need to make sure you are prepared for the interview. There are some tips you can use to help you prepare for your interview to present yourself in the best manner to help you get the job. 

Because you will be competing with many other qualified applicants, it is important you dress appropriately for the interview, and your career counselor can help you plan for this. The impression you give the interviewer is the first impression they will have of you and will go toward you getting or not getting the job. 

Your career center will also help you prepare for the actual interview and questions that may come up. Employers like to ask a variety of questions to get an idea of how you will handle a specific situation or what experience you may have in the past for the job. You can practice answering actual interview questions at your career center, which will help you in answering them at the real interview. Often forming your answer in your mind and communicating them verbally can help you prepare and is a great way to rehearse yourself for the interview.

If you want help from a career center, consider reaching out to a school, like Lorain County Joint Vocational School (4084603). A school's career center can help you get started on a path and see it through.
