Conflict Management Training: Creating Compromise And Collaboration

If you're looking to improve your conflict resolution skills, conflict management training can give you strategies to work through your emotions and interpersonal struggles.

Here are some proven conflict management tactics you can use the next time you're confronting a difficult situation.

Create a Shared Vocabulary

Many conflicts escalate because of language. Even though all parties involved might speak English, they may not have a shared vocabulary. You can begin resolving your conflicts by finding ways to build a shared vocabulary.

  • Sentence Diagram: A great way to start building a shared vocabulary is to have each party summarize the conflict in a single sentence. Although this can difficult, particularly when dealing with a complex situation, all parties involved should attempt the exercise. Once the sentences are created, they should be shared and read aloud. In some cases, this simple exercise can help both sides begin to see the fault lines creating the tension in the relationship. Next, you might want to isolate the nouns and verbs included in each sentence. From this point, have both parties should define these nouns and verbs. Once the definitions are clearly understood by all parties involve, you can proceed toward attempting to resolve the conflict.
  • Speak with Songs: It can be difficult to concisely explain how one feels. This inability can cause conflicts to fester and sow serious divisions. If a conflict stalls, you can look to music to help break the stalemate. In this exercise, each party could choose a song that conveys how they feel about a conflict. Each party should play the song without explanation or interruption. Once each side has played their song, they should spend a few moments explaining their selection. By using music, you can ensure that all parties feel heard and given the opportunity to speak about their feelings.

Creating Release Valves

Conflicts can breed anger and violence. Conflict resolution training can teach you how to create release valves to vent anger and frustration without causing irreparable damage.

  • Mindfulness Cues: If you're facing a particularly frustrating conflict, you can use mindfulness to work through your emotions. For instance, you might create mindfulness cues when you feel yourself teetering on verge of lashing out. This cuing involves pairing a phrase with an action. You might repeatedly tell yourself that you are okay while rubbing your hands gently together. In pairing the phrase and the action, you will be more mindful of your situation and less likely to lash out angrily.

For more information, contact a conflict management training program.
