Quick Guide For Obtaining Your Pesticide License And Keeping It Up To Date

People who apply pesticides in a professional capacity have the essential job of ensuring that our health, ecosystems, and agricultural crops are protected from bothersome pests. To use pesticides safely and accurately, certified pesticide applicators must be licensed. If you are considering becoming a pesticide applicator, you'll need a license to indicate your extensive knowledge and qualifications in the field. This quick guide will help you earn your pesticide license and keep it current.

1) There are several different categories of pesticide licenses. 

The first step in becoming a licensed pesticide applicator is to determine which license category is necessary for you. If will only apply pesticides to private property, then you must gain a private applicator license. However, if your pest control work is conducted for a public agency, a commercial pesticide license is needed. Additionally, there are individual categories that concentrate on separate areas of pesticide application. For example, you may need a license to perform agricultural pest control for either animals or plants, right-of-way pest control along public railways and roads, or industrial pest control for warehouses. It's also possible that you might require numerous licenses if you operate within several areas. A pest control licensing service can help you identify the correct license for you depending upon where you live and the purpose of your work. 

2) You must study for and pass a pesticide licensing exam.

To acquire your pesticide license, you must pass an exam for your chosen category. These exams are typically administered on a computer in a testing center. Be sure to utilize designated pesticide licensing exam prep courses or study materials to be completely ready for the test. Some courses give a general overview of pesticide application, including the history of pest control, pesticide formulation types, and safety requirements. Other courses focus on preparing you for a specific pesticide license exam. For instance, prep courses for aquatic pest control licensing will inform you about the proper methods for pest management around bodies of water. Classes about public health pesticide licenses, on the other hand, are ideal for learning how to deal with pests that have a negative medical impact on humans. It's important to choose the right study materials to easily pass the exact licensing exam for your needs.

3) You'll have to earn continuing education units (CEUs) to maintain your license.

Once you've successfully obtained your pesticide license, you will need to take some additional steps to ensure that your credentials always remain current. Every few years, you must complete continuing education units before the expiration date for your license. These CEUs are usually in-person refresher courses or self-paced online lessons that review the basics of pesticide application and introduce any major or recent changes in the industry. At the end of each CEU course or module, you will have to pass a test to maintain the active status of your license. The number of CEUs needed will vary based upon the particular license and the state in which you reside. Check with a continuing education company that specializes in pest control classes to learn more about the renewal requirements for your location and license. 

Getting your pesticide license isn't as challenging as it may seem at first. Contact a service that offers continuing education courses for pesticide licensing to ensure that you move in the right direction towards earning your own credentials.
